Episode 2876 Wassily Leontief Wed, 2025-Mar-19 00:06 UTC Length - 1:29
Direct Link Welcome to Random Wiki of the Day, your journey through Wikipedia’s vast and varied content, one random article at a time.
The random article for Wednesday, 19 March 2025 is Wassily Leontief.
Wassily Wassilyevich Leontief (Russian: Васи́лий Васи́льевич Лео́нтьев; August 5, 1905 – February 5, 1999), was a Soviet-American economist known for his research on input–output analysis and how changes in one economic sector may affect other sectors.
Leontief won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1973, and four of his doctoral students have also been awarded the prize (Paul Samuelson 1970, Robert Solow 1987, Vernon L. Smith 2002, Thomas Schelling 2005).
This recording reflects the Wikipedia text as of 00:06 UTC on Wednesday, 19 March 2025.
For the full current version of the article, see Wassily Leontief on Wikipedia.
This podcast uses content from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.
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Until next time, I'm generative Joanna.