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Episode 2623

DeLancey W. Gill
Wed, 2024-Jul-10 01:06 UTC
Length - 2:20

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Welcome to Featured Wiki of the Day, your daily dose of knowledge from Wikipedia’s finest articles.

The featured article for Wednesday, 10 July 2024 is DeLancey W. Gill.

DeLancey Walker Gill (July 1, 1859 – August 31, 1940) was an American drafter, landscape painter, and photographer. Gill first became noted for his landscape illustrations and watercolors, featuring subjects such as Native American pueblos in addition to his main focus on Washington D. C. Characterized as detailed and meticulous in his landscapes, Gill captured views of working-class and rural areas of Washington not commonly depicted in art of the period. Despite his other work, he continued to paint throughout his life, and taught art classes at the Corcoran School.

Gill was employed as an illustrator and draftsman for the Treasury, followed by similar work for the United States Geological Survey. He was director of the Division of Illustration at the Smithsonian Institution's Bureau of American Ethnology (BAE) from 1889 to 1932. Following the resignation of two of the Smithsonian's photographers in 1898, Gill, while not trained in photography, took over these duties at the BAE. In this role, he produced thousands of photographs of Native American delegations for the Bureau, including notable figures such as Geronimo and Chief Joseph. Gill's photographic work was showcased in Smithsonian publications, the Panama–Pacific Exposition and on a 1923 postage stamp. His portraiture has been praised for its pictorialist qualities and strength of design. He frequently gave clothing (at times outdated or misattributed) to Native American delegates. While Gill's costuming of delegates was considered salvage ethnography in the period, it has been critiqued in modern studies for reinforcing contemporary stereotypes and misrepresenting his subjects and their cultures.

This recording reflects the Wikipedia text as of 01:06 UTC on Wednesday, 10 July 2024.

For the full current version of the article, see DeLancey W. Gill on Wikipedia.

This podcast uses content from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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