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Episode 2521

John Littlejohn (preacher)
Sat, 2024-Mar-30 00:32 UTC
Length - 2:28

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Welcome to featured Wiki of the Day where we read the summary of the featured Wikipedia article every day.

The featured article for Saturday, 30 March 2024 is John Littlejohn (preacher).

John Littlejohn (December 7, 1756 – May 13, 1836) was an American tradesman and Methodist preacher who served as sheriff of Loudoun County, Virginia, during the War of 1812. Born in Penrith, Cumberland, he briefly attended trade school in London before returning to Penrith. When he was around twelve years old, Littlejohn immigrated to the Thirteen Colonies to pursue various apprenticeships under tradesmen in Virginia and Maryland. While not particularly religious as a youth, he was inspired by Methodist revivalist sermons and began service as a circuit rider in 1776, during the outbreak of the Revolutionary War.

In his preaching, he traveled across the early United States, including Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D. C. After several years of itinerancy he settled in Leesburg, Virginia. There he served as a local preacher and saddler for several decades, and occasionally as a county magistrate, sheriff, and tax collector. As Loudoun County sheriff during the 1814 British raid on Washington, he protected a safehouse containing the relocated National Archives, including the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. In 1818, he moved with his family to Kentucky, where he served as a land agent, preaching alongside his work during travel across the state. He retired to Logan County in southern Kentucky, where he became a slaveholder. He died in 1836, after sixty years of preaching.

This recording reflects the Wikipedia text as of 00:32 UTC on Saturday, 30 March 2024.

For the full current version of the article, see John Littlejohn (preacher) on Wikipedia.

This podcast uses content from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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