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Episode 2634

Donald Trump Jr.
Fri, 2024-Jul-19 01:20 UTC
Length - 3:19

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Welcome to Popular Wiki of the Day, spotlighting Wikipedia's most visited pages, giving you a peek into what the world is curious about today.

With 516,259 views on Thursday, 18 July 2024 our article of the day is Donald Trump Jr..

Donald John Trump Jr. (born December 31, 1977) is an American businessman. He is the eldest child of former U. S. president Donald Trump and his first wife Ivana Trump.

Trump serves as a trustee and executive vice president of The Trump Organization, running the company alongside his younger brother Eric. During their father's presidency, the brothers continued to do deals and investments in foreign countries, as well as collect payments in their U. S. properties from foreign governments, despite a pledge that they would not do so. He served as a boardroom judge on the reality TV show featuring his father, The Apprentice. He authored Triggered in 2019 and Liberal Privilege in 2020.

Trump was active in his father's 2016 presidential campaign. He cooperated with Russia in their interference in the 2016 United States elections and had a meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information about the campaign of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Trump campaigned for several Republicans during the 2018 midterm elections. He has promoted several conspiracy theories.

Trump was also active in his father's 2020 presidential campaign, often being on the campaign trail and being featured in the news for making unfounded claims. During the election he called for "total war" as the results were counted and promoted the stolen election conspiracy theory. Following his father's defeat, he engaged in attempts to overturn the results. He spoke at the rally that led to the storming of the Capitol, where he threatened Trump's opponents that "we're coming for you." In January 2021, Attorney General for the District of Columbia Karl Racine said that he is looking at whether to charge Donald Trump Jr. with inciting the violent attack on the U. S. Capitol in the criminal investigation into the attack. CNN reported in April 2022 that two days after the election, Trump Jr. sent a text message to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows outlining paths to subvert the Electoral College process and ensure his father a second term.

At the 2024 Republican National Convention, he led the introductions of his friend, J. D. Vance, who had been selected as the former president's running mate.

This recording reflects the Wikipedia text as of 01:20 UTC on Friday, 19 July 2024.

For the full current version of the article, see Donald Trump Jr. on Wikipedia.

This podcast uses content from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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