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Episode 2572

Tom McCarthy (director)
Sun, 2024-May-19 00:43 UTC
Length - 1:46

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Welcome to random Wiki of the Day where we read the summary of a random Wikipedia page every day.

The random article for Sunday, 19 May 2024 is Tom McCarthy (director).

Thomas Joseph McCarthy (born June 7, 1966) is an American filmmaker and actor who has appeared in several films, including Meet the Parents and Good Night, and Good Luck, and television series such as The Wire, Boston Public and Law & Order.

McCarthy has received critical acclaim for his writing and directing work for the independent films The Station Agent (2003), The Visitor (2007), Win Win (2011), and Spotlight (2015), the last of which won the Academy Award for Best Picture, won McCarthy the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay, and earned him a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Director.

McCarthy also co-wrote the film Up (2009) with Bob Peterson and Pete Docter, for which they received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay. McCarthy also wrote Million Dollar Arm (2014), and directed and executive-produced for the Netflix television series 13 Reasons Why (2017).

This recording reflects the Wikipedia text as of 00:43 UTC on Sunday, 19 May 2024.

For the full current version of the article, see Tom McCarthy (director) on Wikipedia.

This podcast uses content from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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