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Chains of Love (TV series)
Thu, 2019-Feb-14 00:59 UTC
Length - 2:50

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Welcome to featured Wiki of the Day where we read the summary of the featured Wikipedia article every day.

The featured article for Thursday, 14 February 2019 is Chains of Love (TV series).

Chains of Love is an American dating game show that aired for six episodes in April–May 2001 on the United Paramount Network (UPN). Adapted from a Dutch television series, it revolves around a man or woman being chained to four members of the opposite sex over four days and nights. This person, identified as the "Picker", is given $10,000 and can remove three contestants one at a time. The Picker can give a portion of the money to each eliminated participant. When left with a single partner, the Picker can choose to either split the money or keep it. American television personality Madison Michele hosted each episode.

The program was originally ordered by NBC, before UPN began producing it. UPN executives included the series as part of its campaign to have more unscripted programming in its schedule to boost the network's ratings. Media outlets have identified Chains of Love as part of a renaissance in reality television. David Garfinkle, who had previously worked on the show Blind Date, served as the executive producer.

Before its premiere, UPN had promoted the series through a month-long online campaign aimed at young women. Initially broadcast on Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm EST, the network envisioned the show as a companion piece to the simulated fugitive-chase series Manhunt. Media outlets questioned whether the show's airing on network television had restricted its content. Critical feedback to Chains of Love was mixed, the show's premise dividing television critics. Its structure and tone were compared to other programs where contestants seek love partners, such as Blind Date and The Dating Game. Chains of Love has never been released on DVD or Blu-ray, or through online-streaming services.

This recording reflects the Wikipedia text as of 00:59 UTC on Thursday, 14 February 2019.

For the full current version of the article, see Chains of Love (TV series) on Wikipedia.

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