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Episode 587

Pah Wongso Pendekar Boediman
Thu, 2018-Dec-13 01:06 UTC
Length - 1:51

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Welcome to featured Wiki of the Day where we read the summary of the featured Wikipedia article every day.

The featured article for Thursday, 13 December 2018 is Pah Wongso Pendekar Boediman.

Pah Wongso Pendekar Boediman (Malay for Pah Wongso the Righteous Warrior) is a 1941 detective film from the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). The first production by Star Film, it was produced by Jo Eng Sek and featured camerawork by Cho' Chin Hsin. Starring L. V. Wijnhamer, Jr., Elly Joenara, and Mohamad Arief, it follows the social worker Pah Wongso as he investigates a murder to clear his protégé's name.

The first film of its genre to be produced in the Indies, Pah Wongso Pendekar Boediman was made to capitalize on the popularity of Wijnhamer and Hollywood characters such as Charlie Chan and Mr. Moto. Released in April 1941 to popular acclaim, it had a mixed critical reception; the reviewer Saeroen suggested that its success was entirely because of its star's renown. A sequel to this film, which is possibly lost, Pah Wongso Tersangka, was released later that year.

This recording reflects the Wikipedia text as of 01:06 UTC on Thursday, 13 December 2018.

For the full current version of the article, go to

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