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Episode 2631

Pleioceras barteri
Wed, 2024-Jul-17 00:26 UTC
Length - 1:28

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Welcome to Random Wiki of the Day, your journey through Wikipedia’s vast and varied content, one random article at a time.

The random article for Wednesday, 17 July 2024 is Pleioceras barteri.

Pleioceras barteri grows as a shrub, liana or small tree up to 4 metres (13 ft) tall. Its flowers feature dark red or violet corolla lobes with yellow apex. Its habitat is forests, bush or open ground in coastal areas from sea level to 500 metres (1,600 ft) altitude. Local traditional medicinal uses include as an emmenagogue, abortifacient and also in the treatment of rheumatism and malaria. Pleioceras barteri is native to tropical West Africa and Cameroon.

This recording reflects the Wikipedia text as of 00:26 UTC on Wednesday, 17 July 2024.

For the full current version of the article, see Pleioceras barteri on Wikipedia.

This podcast uses content from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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